Testimonials from those for whom the CORA Good Shepherd Mediation has had a lasting impact.
I want to thank you for such an amazing training program. It not only excelled as CLE program (the best I’ve ever seen), but it wildly exceeded what I thought was possible for a zoom training in such a huge and challenging area. I was particularly surprised and thrilled when, on day 1, I learned that the facilitative school or approach to mediation - and more largely the concept of mediation as peacemaking - is a real thing with a real program right here in Philadelphia.
BMT Participant, Spring 2023
I wanted to thank you for this week's training program. I learned so much. You did a masterful job of covering the topics in an organized way with enough content to serve the need but not enough to overwhelm, and a really effective balance of theory and practice. And making it known that there would be a role play module on day 3 gave extra incentive for us to really engage on the first two days!
BMT Participant, March 2023
It has changed my social skills as a young African American boy, it has taught me to stand up for myself and others and to be a great friend.
CHIRP Participant, Winter 2017
I used to think that conflict was just bad and should be solved with violence, CHIRP has shown me how to be patient and how to control my anger and emotions and to not let the little things get to me and to be aware of my baggage and other people’s baggage.
CHIRP Participant, Winter 2017
One thing that I find hard to face that took place in the past was the first time noticing that my dad wouldn’t be in my life because he is in jail, it was hard to face because I really need a father figure in my life and still do. I also know now that it may take time for my emotions to go away. This program helped me change my understanding of conflict by letting me know how fast and easily conflict can build up and also how to deal with conflict in a better way.
CHIRP Participant, Winter 2017
I learned that sometimes you got to identify other people’s emotions and avoid situations. The best part of the class was that it was a group thing so you could understand other people’s opinions.
Josh, Winter 2017 JODP participant
I learned that you can walk away from a situation and still be a man.
Shane, Winter 2017 JODP Participant
The best part of the class was just talking about anger and how to control it. Talking amongst my peers made me see things from different perspectives.
Taj, Winter 2017 JODP Participant
I learned to control a lot of things and to think about my consequences.
Tyshon, Fall 2016 JODP Participant
I would come every Saturday, that’s how much I enjoyed it here. I had a good time and I learned from my mistakes.
Attended the July 19, 2014 Juvenile Offender Diversion Workshop after being charged with assaulting a teacher.
13 year old
I am very pleased with this mediation. The parties gave it their all. It was wild, reminding me of an indoor soccer game with the ball bouncing off the walls in every unexpected direction. But the parties were serious about mediating and I believe the agreement...has helped establish a working basis of how they shall live with each other. It was the first time in the year that the dispute has gone to what could be accomplished between the parties.
I am very appreciative of the role of the mediator, Randy Duque, from CORA Good Shepherd Mediation. He took a low-key approach, allowed the parties to ventilate, but kept the process moving...At times were like a Greek chorus, establishing the boundaries and limiting the dispute to what could be accomplished between the parties.
I do not believe this mediation would have succeeded if (we) had not met with both of the parties beforehand to set the case for mediation. It made the difference in the trust level of the parties, in their willingness to listen. I believe each realized they had much to lose if they could not find a resolution.
Nicholas, Spring 2008
I think of my experiences at CORA GSM all the time. Everything I'm doing now is the result of the time I spent there in trainings and facilitating the youth diversion workshops. I'm so grateful that I had a place in Philly where I was able to explore my interest in mediation and restorative justice practices. It really started me on a great path. Thank you!
Amy RymerFormer GSMP trainee and youth diversion workshop facilitator Volunteer, Peacebuilding in las Americas / Friends Peace Teams
Cheryl, thank you again for the wonderful course on Mediation we just finished. I certainly improved my skills and learned a lot of information. Your teaching style is perfect for the course and it is evident that a lot of work goes into your preparation.
Lee A. Schwartz, Esq.Philadelphia divorce attorney who attended Divorce & Custody Mediator Training, July 2014
I very much enjoyed the mediation training. Thank you!!! I appreciated the way you gave time for discussion while also keeping the activities moving. I also enjoyed the diversity of the group, the range of opinions as well as role-playing different characters. The work that is being done at Good Shepherd Mediation sounds wonderful and I hope to be able to be part of more activities in the future.
I mentioned that I mainly work with young learners in the academics and in movement. I'm very curious about the techniques of mediation that pertain to helping people understand their interests, active listening and also encouraging people to create their own solutions. In my work as a learning specialist, I see so many kids in conflict with their education process, because they do not feel like they are being heard. I have found that by helping young people (as well as parents) identify their interests, they can become more engaged in their learning process (and for parents, separating their assumptions from reality).
Kai KleinbardAmSAT Certified Alexander Technique Teacher and academic tutor
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the past few weeks we spent together in the mediation course. Your passion and dedication for the subject matter really showed in your approach to the class and I really did love this class. Aside from that and on a personal level, I really respect the fact that you are a humanitarian at heart. After you told me that you had taken a group of mediators to Israel to mediate the conflicts there, I though to myself man, that truly takes an person with amazing humility and charisma to do that. Aside from being an academic, you exude impenetrable qualities of integrity and kindheartedness that is contagious. I really respect your drive as an individual and I wanted to let you know that even though I may not be a mediator when I graduate law school, you definitely had an impact on my life and got me to think about things in a new light.
Thank you for all of your help and support and I really look forward to taking another alternative dispute resolution class with you in the future!
Adam AccayTemple Law Student who attended Mediation Advocacy and Practice, Summer 2012
2013 marks my 18th year as a professional actor in Philadelphia. I've been doing this a long time. I will be joining the cast or Pirates of Penzance with Bristol Riverside Theatre. We start rehearsals on the Feb 26th and open March 17th. Then I'll be doing Rag Time with the Center Theatre this Spring. I have another project I may be doing that will have me booked through August but I'll post about that when its confirmed. I love Philadelphia Theatre and I feel privileged to be a part of it. Thanks to Cheryl Cutrona and Elisa Weaver-Hines for giving me first acting job when I was 15! I'll always be grateful for my Peace Theatre days! #philaactor